Great Oaks & mighty oaks pre school

Our Preschool rooms, Mighty Oaks and Great Oaks, accommodate children from three years up to when they leave for school. Our preschool rooms are designed to promote the children’s own investigation, interests and engagement in the recourses provided. Staff support the children to develop their social skills using planned activities that promote negotiation, sharing and turn taking. The children’s early literacy and numeracy skills are enhanced with language and mathematical rich environment. This is further supported with access to their own outdoor areas where the children enjoy gardening, bug hunting and building. We are very fortunate to be located on school grounds so that the children’s school transition can be assisted by regular funergy sessions in the school hall, use of their outdoor facilities and visiting teachers for story time.

Please click on the image gallery to see what our Great Oaks have been up to recently

Please click on the image gallery to see what our Mighty Oaks have been up to recently