Nursery information


Donna Downs - Lead SENCo

An introduction from Donna - Our SendcO

Hi, my name is Donna, and I am the lead SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator) here at Acorn Childcare Centre. It was through my own experiences with my youngest daughter that made me passionate about SEND and why I wanted to complete the training. I have worked here for over 10 years and during this time, completed my basic SENDCo training with our Local authority and, more recently, my NVQ Level 3 in SEND. I have been lucky enough to support many families throughout my time here, and it has been a pleasure to watch the children develop and move on to the next stage in their journey. 

Emily Large - Deputy SENDCo

Within our nursery, we have a lead professional for SEND (Our Deputy Manager Donna Downs), a second support professional (Emily Large, Little Acorns room lead) and several other members of the team who have also completed SEND training.  When a child is registered at our setting with SEND or when needs emerge during their time here, we work with the family to draw up a plan of support for both the child and family.  Our team supports the child and family through their individual journey and can offer expert advice and guidance through all stages including signposting to external agencies to the child’s transition to school.

Please see attached link to the local offerThe local offer is for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0 to 25 years. It provides information and support services available to families in our local area.